Tuesday, September 2, 2008

the first.

Well I decided to start a blog.. lets see if I can actually keep it up :) Ward and I just got back yesterday from our visit with Sissy. We left Friday afternoon-ish around three and got there around eight. Sissy had dinner all ready for us and we ate and then went to get ice cream. Billy wasn't able to be there until Sunday so poor Ward didn't really have a guy around until then lol On Saturday we did what Sissy and I do best.. SHOP! And afterwards we went to the LU football game. Normally when we visit we leave after church & lunch on Sunday but since Ward and I both had off for labor day we got to stay an extra night :) So we went to see a movie later on Sunday and then Billy got there. I don't think Ward was so excited to see another guy in his entire life! :) We went to dinner on Sunday night and then it was off to bed so Ward and I could get an early start Monday morning.. which didn't really happen considering we left at almost eleven :) We always enjoy the ride to and from Lynchburg more than anything because its a time for just the two of us to be together and talk and goof off :) I had alot of fun.. and even though I'm sure I drove him crazy... and even though I had to go to the bathroom every half hour... he loved every minute of it :)

we're silly :)

Yesterday was labor day, and for some reason we had off school again today.. which is fiiiine with me ;) I'm enjoying my day off but I don't mind school too much. I plan to apply to the nursing program in May, so until then I only have a few classes to take because I already took most of the prerequisite stuff before I even decided to do nursing.. so I'm trying to take it slow and spread my classes out so I don't have to take a semester off. I'm taking Nutrition & Diet Therapy and Principles of Psychology. I'm thankful that both of my classes are interesting.. Its much easier to learn when I'm in a class about things that I LIKE learning about :)

My birthday is in SIX days!!! And for my birthday Sissy got me a new bedspread (which was muccchhhh needed) and I've already put it on my bed! It's so cute it makes me want to clean my room really well and make it as cute as the bedspread ;)

I'm pretty sure this is all I have to say.. I hope to update tomorrow. For anyone reading this.. have a wonderful week! God bless :)
- Katie